Were you blessed by this information? If so, would you please consider making a contribution to our ministry? Jesus said, "As it was in the days of Noah, so shall it be at the coming of the Son of Man." We believe we are entering the time known as the Last Days. If this is true, then we need to be looking at what was going on in "the days of Noah" so that we can be prepared for what is to come. Therefore, we are putting a considerable amount of time and energy into researching both the days of Noah as well as current events in order to "package" this information up into a mainstream sci-fi series so that the messages contained in this e-book series can be presented in a way that the world can receive. The purpose of SEED is "To plant seeds that will enable people to understand the times we live in and to walk in the power of the Kingdom that comes only through a relationship with Jesus Christ."We can only do that with your help. Our ministry is part of an organization called Mountain Movers International, which means that in addition to helping us with our mission, your contribution will be 100% tax deductible! Writing books and blogs about this sort of stuff is great, but it won't reach the masses like an episodic sci-fi series could. With science fiction, people "suspend their disbelief," which means they are open to believing whatever the producers which to promote. Unfortunately, this is a realm that has been ruled by the Devil for far too long. TV shows and movies have been promoting lies and have literally been used to shape culture for decades. We believe it is time to take advantage of this powerful medium for the sake of Truth. And that's exactly what we are trying to do with SEED. For more information on our project, who we are and why we are doing what we're doing, please watch:
For more interesting information like what you've read here (which will also be a part of the SEED timeline), watch:
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